
Elin and Julia watch the classics.. sort of: #3

Movie: Shutter Island
Status: Elin's never seen it. Julia's seen it once.
Favorite scene: Teddy's first bad dream. 
Times we I pause it: About 10 because of all my newly formed theories that I needed to discuss. Julia may have been a little sick of me in the end..

We may not have been equally frightened at the beginning (I was fearing there'd be lots of jump scares) but I think we were both equally engrossed in the end! I may have tried to discuss the movie a little, during the time and we were both thankful that we watched it together because (knowing myself and my impatience) I would have jumped to the end to solve the puzzle if I'd seen it on my own.

It was really good! And that surprised me. Julia was also surprised, but more because it was "easier to understand the second time around", apparently. I didn't think I'd enjoy it quite as much as I did, because it did seem a little too.. scary for me (I'm very sensitive - Orphan's about the scariest movie I've ever seen). But it wasn't! And it made me think and Leonardo DiCaprio was amazing and the feels. Oh, the feels. 

Julia's excited face, my excited face and the living room.. where the exciting stuff happens.

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